Book Recomendations
Here are some stories that, as a reader, I love. (I don’t personally know any of these authors, though I’ve met some briefly online/IRL. I just love their writing.)
The Pillars of Reality series and the sequel Legacy of Dragons series by Jack Campbell
I’m not someone who’s prone to overstatement. This is the best novel series in human history.
Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson
Maybe the best superhero books I’ve ever read.
Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld
I love character-in-disguise stories. This one’s got a girl dressed as a boy, a romance/friendship, cool worldbuilding, and exciting action.
Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
Meyer’s got a very interesting imagination. I like seeing her take on familiar tropes. And I love Carlisle. Although I think the genderbend version was even better.
The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer
Another great disguise story. The woman dressed as a man is fun. The fact that her brother makes a better female than she does is even better.
Sylvester by Georgette Heyer
Why you shouldn’t actually pattern your villains after real people.
Grimnoir series by Larry Correia
More great superhero books, this time with alternate history!
Vampire Empire series by Clay & Susan Griffith
Humorous steampunk swashbuckling vampire romance adventure. The original trilogy is fantastic. I didn’t read the follow-up.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun manga series by Izumi Tsubaki
Absolutely hilarious. You should read it if you like lightly romantic comedy, even if you're not into manga. (It's formatted in a way that I think is more accessible for those who don't read much manga.) There's also an amazing anime adaptation.
Library Wars: Love and War manga series by Kiiro Yumi
Come for the fun romantic tension between the MC and her superior officer. Stay for the all-too-realistic near-future war against censorship.
Noragami: Stray God manga series by Adachitoka
A super exciting contemporary fantasy series with likable and interesting characters.
Shifts, Shades, and other fanfic by Fernwithy
Proof that fanfic can be every bit as good as the work it’s inspired by.